Dominik Wagner

Fun, Snow, Winter

My name is: Dominik Wagner

I come from: Neunkirchen / lower austria

I ride for: Nitro, L1, bluetomato, absolutpark, ema, landing, ashbury,

Love means to me: Everything

Important things in my life are: Family, friends, freedome

What i like others to know about me: What they want to know about me

My ideas to make the world a better place are: Be a better person

My favorite Joke is: Austrian football

Friendship means to me: To trust in people and support each other

What makes me laugh: Happy people

What makes me sad: Sad people

I ride because: I m happy when i do it!

When not riding you ll find me: Somewhere else

What i like about myself: I enjoy life

What i dont like about myself: Maybe i enjoy it too much some times

My darkest secret is: I guess i dont have one…

If the world ends tomorrow, i would: Have fun

The question others should ask me: What they want to ask me

The question i ask myself: There is too many questions i asked myself

If a fairy offers me 3 wishes:  I guess i have everything i want…but maybe some money would help from time to time

In a fairytale i would be: BECAUSE: maybe snowwhite (Dornröschen), she sleeps a lot

Funny story in my life: My life

My message to the world:  Be your self and enjoy life

Any last words: Thank you!