Seth Hill

Fun, Snow, Winter

My name is:  Seth Hill

I come from: Oregon

I got drivers license : in Colorado

I look like: Wolverine

My zodiac sign is: Virgo

If i could be an animal i would be: Monkey

When i m grown up i want to be: Someone kids look up too

What i like about me: is that I’m always having a good time

What i dont like about me: My lifestyle forces me to be a bit selfish

My darkest secret is: I’m a momma’s boy

Love means to me: That you can’t stop thinking about what ever it is

If i think about my family i think: That they are wonderful and I can always come to them.

My favorite dish is: Quinoa salad

The things that are important in my life are: Friends, family, traveling, and of course snowboarding.

The question that others should ask me is: Why are you so damn good looking lol

The question that i m asking myself is: How did I get so damn good looking


“If you dream it you can do it”