Simon Gschaider

Fun, Snow, Winter

My name is: Simon Gschaider

I come from : Pernitz / Austria

I got drivers license : In about 2 years

I look like: Johnny Depp haha

My zodiac sign is: Aquarius

If icould be an animal i would be: I guess a white tiger or a eagle

When i m grown up i want to be: Professional footballer haha

What i like about me: I don´t know

What idont like about me: Nothing ?haha

My darkest secret is: I love it to sing, but I think i´am one of the worst singers in the world haha

Love means to me: No war, and peace on earth and family

If i think about my family i think: I hope they are stay healthy

My favorite dish is: “Specklinsen mit Knödel”

The things that are important in my life are: Family, friends, fun, snowboarding, sport

The question that others should ask me is: What´s your goal in the next time.

The question that im asking myself is: What´s my goal in the next time